Digital storytelling projects
Some projects across digital platforms that I have conceived, created, produced and edited.
A portrait of motherhood around the world (CNN)
From disposable cameras to digital platforms: I conceived, edited and produced this project, where I sent disposable cameras to women around the world to capture their lives.
Girlhood around the world: A series about the lives of teenage girls (The Washington Post / The Lily)
This is a ten-part series I did for The Washington Post’s The Lily and Lily Lines newsletter — featuring teenage girls’ diary entries to create a portrait of girlhood around the world, in a newsletter and on digital and social platforms, including Instagram and on Apple News. I’m currently writing a book, based on this series, documenting the lives of teenage girls around the world for Algonquin Young Readers.
Voicemails from America: American voters on how they feel about the outcome of the 2016 election (CNN)
This project was a 2017 Webby Award Honoree for podcasts and digital audio. In the aftermath of the 2016 US presidential election, I set up a voicemail line and asked voters to share how they were feeling — we got more than 8,000 voicemails and heard from Americans far and wide. The resulting project was featured online, on TV, and on CNN’s social platforms.
CNN Politics Campaign 2016: Like, Share Elect (CNN and the Newseum)
I contributed to CNN’s museum exhibit on social media and the 2016 elections at the Newseum — I curated a section that showed how the election played out on Instagram, a feature that I regularly updated throughout the campaign.
Love story: Voicemails about love and life across the world: (CNN)
This project won an EPPY award for best social media/crowdsourcing. I put flyers up around New York City and other parts of the United States asking people to leave a voicemail. These voicemails were then edited and uploaded onto a CNN Love Story Twitter account, aired on TV and featured online and on CNN’s social platforms.
Ferguson, six months later: A return to Ferguson, Missouri, six months after the death of Michael Brown (The Washington Post)
I edited and conceived this project with a team of a reporter, video producers, and visual journalists — recreating a digital walk down the streets of Ferguson, six months after Michael Brown’s death.
Not my Mother's World: How the world of women in the workplace has changed (The Washington Post)
I conceived, commissioned, reported part of and edited this digital and video series -- featuring interviews with women including Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarrett and DC police chief Cathy Lanier about how the opportunities within the workplace have changed for women across generations.
This Year I Learned (The Washington Post)
Starting in 2014, asked people to leave us voicemail stories about the biggest lessons they’ve learned, the biggest fears they’ve conquered, the biggest plans they’ve hatched and more. We posted the voicemails on Tumblr, and the resulting project became a sensation — featured by Tumblr and followed large audiences.
Post-Katrina, New Orleans residents show the face of beloved city through vibrant photo collages (The Washington Post)
I conceived and edited this project along with a team of photo and social editors — we crowdsourced photos Instagram and created digital photo collages.
Digital, social innovations and strategy
I led CNN editorial strategy and storytelling on emerging social platforms and managed the Washington Post’s national and politics innovations, digital and engagement strategy.
Election Night on messaging apps
I led CNN editorial’s strategy and storytelling on messaging apps including Kik, Facebook Messenger, and LINE — from creating gifs, emoji, and stickers for the election on these platforms to reporting live results on chatbots. CNN’s coverage of election night on social media, including my work, won a Webby Award.
CNN on Facebook Messenger
I was the editorial lead for CNN’s launch on Facebook Messenger — creating the storyline, storytelling capabilities, functionalities and voice of the CNN chatbot and working with a team of developers and designers to execute on this vision. At launch, I created and curated CNN’s chatbot daily news digest experience, as well as setting the tone for how news would be covered on the chatbot — from leading storytelling projects about the Syrian refugee crisis to reporting, editing and producing a live-chat experience from the 2016 presidential debates.
I was the editorial lead on and launched CNN on messaging app LINE — developing a sticker set, building an audience of more than 5 million, and growing CNN to the largest news organization on the platform.
CNN on Kik
I launched CNN on messaging app Kik — a platform where CNN could share the news with younger audiences in the United States. We updated our followers with live coverage on election night, launched a sticker set, and created emoji for the platform.
CNN on Instagram and Instagram Stories
I led CNN’s efforts on Instagram, more than doubling CNN’s following and building an audience of millions in two years. Additionally, I developed CNN’s editorial strategy and set the voice and tone for CNN on Instagram stories — training reporters on how to use Stories and working with producers to create journalism for the platform. I covered the Olympics from on the ground in Rio for CNN on Instagram Stories the day that Instagram launched Stories.
Rio Olympics coverage on emerging platforms
I covered the Rio Olympics from on the ground using emerging platforms: I hosted interviews with athletes and took viewers along for motorcycle rides and walks through Rio on Facebook Live; I reported and produced experiences on Kik and Facebook messenger where followers could tap through interviews and play choose-your-own-adventure with the chatbot to see Rio and learn about the news from the Olympics; I hosted dispatches for CNN’s Snapchat Discover channel; told stories about the Olympics on Twitter Moments; reported and produced content on Instagram the week that the platform was launched; and I produced and reported pieces for CNN Digital. Read more here.
The Washington Post
The Washington Post on Snapchat
I launched the Washington Post on Snapachat in 2014, one of the first major news organizations to be reporting and posting the news on the platform. I developed the Post’s early days of Snapchat strategy — from handing the reigns to reporters on the ground around the country at major news events to crowdsourcing voter voices on Election Day. I covered the early days of the 2016 campaign from Iowa on Snapchat, to help create a template and set the tone for what the Post’s Snapchat coverage of the campaign.
The Washington Post on Kik
I launched the Washington Post on Kik in 2015, one of the first news organizations to experiment with chatbots.
Structured comments to cover politics and news
I pioneered and produced the use of structured comments for user-generated storytelling about politics and news events: from capturing how the 2013 government shutdown impacted people’s lives across the United States to showcasing how people felt about Supreme Court decisions.